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Teenagers arrested over racially aggravated arson attack on Essex mosque

25th Aug 2023
Teenagers arrested over racially aggravated arson attack on Essex mosque

Ahmed Versi

Two teenage boys have been arrested over what police suspect was racially aggravated arson at a mosque in Harlow, Essex, on the evening of August 8.

No one was injured, and firefighters contained the damage at the Harberts Road building, Essex Police said.
Northbrooks Mosque Secretary, Jamal Uddin, said curtains and carpets were damaged in the blaze, which occurred shortly after 9.30 p.m.

At this stage, the incident is being treated as racially aggravated arson and is being investigated by the Harlow Criminal Investigation Department (CID).

Two teenage boys have been arrested on suspicion of arson and were questioned on August 9.

“The community is feeling unsafe; everyone is shocked and feels devastated,” Secretary of Northbrooks Mosque Jamal Uddin told The Muslim News. “We have not had anything like this before. In the past, we have had attacks, but they have been minor, like breaking windows,” he added.

The secretary is concerned that things “may get worse. We have informed the police and Harlow Council of our concerns. They have been helpful.”

“We are worried that attacks may take place during Fajr [dawn] and Isha [night] prayers. We don’t have the resources to increase our security. We have asked the police and Harlow Council to help secure our mosque. They told us they were working on it.”

Up to 700 people gathered at the mosque throughout the week, and as many as 300 attended Friday prayers.
In a statement to The Muslim News, Chief Inspector Paul Austin, Harlow district commander, said: “I have personally been in consistent contact with faith and community leaders to ensure our communities feel they are safe and are being supported.

“There will continue to be a policing presence in the area throughout today and the coming days, and I would encourage anyone who has any concerns to please speak with those officers; they are there to help and reassure you.”

And Conservative Harlow Council leader, Dan Swords, added: “I am shocked and appalled to hear about this incident. Whatever the motives are for this, we will not tolerate any attacks on our communities, and as a town, we stand united.”

Essex Police confirmed that the two suspects have been released on bail until October 18 while police investigation continues.

Photo: Internal and external damage to Northbrooks Mosque in Harlow, Essex post-arson attack.
(Courtesy of Northbrooks Mosque)

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Over 120 people attended a landmark conference on the media reporting of Islam and Muslims. It was held jointly by The Muslim News and Society of Editors in London on September 15.

The Muslim News Awards for Excellence 2015 was held on March in London to acknowledge British Muslim and non-Muslim contributions to the society.

The Muslim News Awards for Excellence 2015 was held on March in London to acknowledge British Muslim and non-Muslim contributions to the society.

The Muslim News Awards for Excellence event is to acknowledge British Muslim and non-Muslim contributions to society. Over 850 people from diverse background, Muslim and non-Muslim, attended the gala dinner.

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